How to cancel Peacock from Mashable


There are a lot of streaming service subscriptions out there, and sometimes it’s hard to keep up.

If you’re a Peacock user and want to cancel your subscription, there’s an easy way to do it on your desktop. You’ll find a step-by-step guide below.

You can also check out the Mashable guides to canceling Netflix, Hulu, Apple+, Prime Video, and Disney+.

How to cancel Peacock

Total Time
2 minutes
What You Need

Peacock login

Step 1:
Go to Peacock’s homepage and log into your account.

You’ll find it it at

Step 2:
Click the Peacock logo at the top right.

Step 3:
Click “Account.”

Step 4:
Click “Change or Cancel Plan”.

Step 5:
Click “Cancel Plan”.

Step 6:
Answer the questionnaire.

Peacock will ask why you’re changing or cancelling plan.

Step 7:
Click “Cancel Plan” once again.

The post How to cancel Peacock from Mashable appeared first on Tom Bettenhausen’s.

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